Great Interview Tips for Engineers!

Interviewing is a skill, and like any other, it can be learned and improved upon. The way to ensure you have a great interview is to be prepared and understand what steps you will take before, during and after your interview. When interviewing you should create a positive first impression as an engineering professional. The interview process should reinforce your overall value to a potential employer, and make them want you to be a part of their team.
Before you interview:
- Research your interviewer
- Learn about your potential new employer
- Plan your answers to common interview questions
- Practice answering these questions out loud
- Dress professionally
- Don’t be late!
During your interview:
- Shake hands with your interviewer
- Give great eye contact
- Smile
- Don’t over talk the interviewer
- Listen then speak
- Provide examples to support your statements
- Ask questions
- Do not speak negatively about prior managers or employers
- Don’t bring your cell phone into the interview
After your interview:
- Thank the interviewer for their time
- Send a thank you note or email to the interviewer
- Connect with the interviewer on LinkedIn
Helpful Hint:
One of the best things to do to remain competitive is to ensure that you do not have long gaps of unemployment. Even if you do not have a “full time” job or something of that nature- then do something that ensures that your skills and abilities are kept up to date weather that is volunteering, education, part time work or contracts.